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Wisconsin, Estados Unidos.

Versión Española (English version below)

Nací en Berkeley, California, en 1947. Crecí en Lawrance, Kansas, donde mis padres fueron profesores de psicología de la universidad de Kansas. Aparte de un año que estuve en Australia en 1960, permanecí allí hasta 1964, año en el que entré en la Universidad de Hardward. Luego de graduarme en Bachelor of Arts en estudios sociales en 1968, estuve dos años estudiando historia en la Universidad de Oxford, trabajando especialmente con Christopher Hill. En 1971 entré en la escuela de graduados de sociología de la Universidad de California donde estuve hasta completar mi disertación doctoral "Estructura de Clase y desigualdad de ingresos" en el otoño de 1976.

Mis áreas de interés son la Teoría de Clases marxista y su actualización para diagnosticar los problemas del capitalismo moderno. Al mismo tiempo,estoy interesado en todas las propuestas progresistas que ayuden a la implementación de utopías reales en el contexto del capitalismo actual.

He escrito varios libros como ""Class, Crisis and the State" (1978), "Classes" (1985), "The debate of Classes" (1989), "Class Counts" (1997), "Approaches to Class Analysis" (2005), "Evolving Real Utopias" (2010) and "Understanding Class" (2015).

En 2012, fui presidente de la American Sociological Association (ASA). Actualmente soy profesor de sociología en la Universidad de Wisconsin, Madison.

English Version

I was born in Berkeley, California, in 1947. I grew up in Lawrence, Kansas, where both of my parents were professors of psychology at the University of Kansas. Aside from a year spent in Australia in 1960, I remained there until 1964 when I entered Harvard University. After graduating with a B.A. degree in social studies in 1968, I spent two years studying history at Oxford University, working especially with Christopher Hill. In 1971 I entered graduate school in sociology at the University of California where I stayed until completing my doctoral dissertation on Class Structure and Income Inequality in the spring of 1976. 

My areas of interest are Marxist Theory Classes and it´s updating to diagnose modern capitalism problem's. At the same time, I'm interesed in all progresive proposals to help the implementation of real utopias in the context of contemporary capitalism.

I wrote several book as, "Class, Crisis and the State" (1978), "Classes" (1985), "The debate of Classes" (1989), "Class Counts" (1997), "Approaches to Class Analysis" (2005), "Evolving Real Utopias" (2010) and "Understanding Class" (2015).

In 2012, I was the president of American Sociological Association (ASA). I´m currently Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Also, you can see my profile in wikipedia.

Wisconsin University.
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2015). Understanding Class. London: Verso. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Hahnel, Robin (2014). Alternatives to capitalism. New York: New Left Project. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2010). Envisioning Real Utopias. London: Verso. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2005). Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2000). Class Counts. Student Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1997). Reflexiones sobre socialismo, capitalismo y marxismo. Palma de Mallorca: CC.OO. de les Illes Balears. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1985). Classes. London: Verso. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1983). Clase, crisis y Estado. Madrid: Siglo XXI. [ pdf Texto completo ]
Partes de libro
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2012). Class Struggle and Class compromise in the Era of Stagnation and Crisis. En Baier, Walter, Canepa, Eric y Holzinger, Lutz Power relations in Europe. Bruxelles (Bélgica): transform!. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2012). In defense of genderlessness. En Grosseries, Axel y Vanderborght, Yannick Arguing about justice: essays for Philippe van Parijs. Louvain (Bélgica): Presses Universitaires de Louvain. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Brighouse, Harry (2009). Strong Gender Egalitarianism. En Gornick, Janet y Meyers, Marcia Gender Equality: transforming divisions of labor in the family. New York (Estados Unidos): Verso. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2008). Sociologist and Economist on "the Commons". En Bardhan, Pranab y Ray, Isha The Contested Commons. Conversations between Economist and Anthropologist. Oxford (Estados Unidos): Blackwell. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2006). Class. En Beckert, Jens y Zafirovsky, Milan International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. London (Reino Unido): Routledge. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2006). Falling into Marxism, Choosing to stay. En Sica, Alan y Turner, Stephen The Disobedient Generation: social theorists in the 1960s. Chicago (Estados Unidos): University Chicago Press. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Burawoy, Michael (2001). Sociological Marxism. En Turner, Jonathan Handbook of Sociological Theory. New York (Estados Unidos): Springler. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Burawoy, Michael (1989). Reflections on Classes. En Wright, Erik Olin y Burawoy, Michael The Debate on Classes. London (Reino Unido): Verso. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2015). Class and inequality in piketty. Contexts, 14 (1), 58-61. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2015). Eroding Capitalism: A Comment on Stuart White’s ‘Basic Capital in the Egalitarian Toolkit’. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 32 (4), 432-439. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2015). Sociological limitations of the climate change encyclical. Nature Climate Change, 5, 902-903. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2013). Transforming Capitalism through Real Utopias. American Sociological Review, 78, 1-25. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2012). Taking the social in socialism seriously. Socio Economic Review, 10, 386-402. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2011). Real Utopias. Contexts, 10 (2), 36-42. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2011). The ‘triadic’ model of society in Somers’ Genealogies of Citizenship. Socio-economic Review, 9, 405-418. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2009). Understanding Class. Towards an Integrated Analytical Approach. New Left Review, 60, 101-116. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Braga, Ruy y Bianchi, Alvaro (2008). Entrevista: Erik Olin Wright e Michael Burawoy. Cult, 122, 61-64. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2006). Compass points. Towards a Socialist Alternative. New Left Review, 41, 93-124. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2006). Los puntos de la brújula. Hacia una alternativa socialista. New Left Review, 41, 81-109. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2005). Basic income as a socialist project. Rutgers Journal of Law & Urban Policy, 2 (1), 196-2003. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2004). Beneficial Constraints: beneficial for whom?. Socio-economic Review, 2, 461-467. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Dwyer, Rachel (2003). Methodological Appendices to The Patterns of Job Expansions in the United States: a comparison of the 1960s and 1990s. The Socio-Economic Review, 1, 289-325. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Dwyer, Rachel (2003). The patterns of job expansions in the USA: a comparison of the 1960s and 1990s. Socio Economic Review, 1, 289-325. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2002). The Shadow of Exploitation in Weber's Class Analysis. American Sociological Review, 67, 832-853. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Brighouse, Harry (2002). Complex Equality. Historical Materialism, 10 (1), 193-222. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2000). Class, Exploitation, and Economic Rents: Reflections on Sorenson's "Sounder Basis. American Journal of Sociology, 105 (6), 1559-1571. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2000). Metatheoretical foundations of Charles Tilly's Durable Inequality. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 42 (3), 458-474. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2000). Working-Class Power, Capitalist-Class Interests, and Class Compromise. American Journal of Sociology, 105 (4), 957-1002. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Baxter, Janeen (2000). The Glass Ceiling Hypothesis: a comparative study of United States, Sweden and Australia. Gender & Society, 14 (2), 275-294. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1996). Review of Peter Evans, Embedded Autonomy. Contemporary Sociology, 25 (2), 176-179. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1996). The Continuing Relevance of Class Analysis. Theory and Society, 25, 693-716. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1991). Falling Into Marxism, Choosing to Stay. Mid-American Review of Sociology, XV (2), 1-14. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Perrone, Lucas (1983). Positional Power and Propensity to Strike. Politics & Society, 12 (2), 231-261. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1980). Class and Ocupation. Theory and Society, 9 (1), 177-214. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1980). Varieties of Marxist Conceptions of Class Structure. Politics & Society, 9 (3), 323-370. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1978). Race, Class, and Income Inequality. American Journal of Sociology, 85 (6), 1368-1397. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Perrone, Lucas (1977). Marxist Class Categories and Income Inequality. American Sociological Review, 42 (1), 32-55. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1976). Class Boundaries in Advanced Capitalist Societies. New Left Review, 98, 3-41. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin, Gold, David y Lo, Clarence (1975). Recent Developments on Marxist Theories of the State. Monthly Review, 1975, 29-51. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (1964). Analysis of the Total Number of Twists resulting from Cutting any Order Moebius Bands With any Number of Cuts. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 67 (2), 392-404. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2011). Real Utopias in and beyond Capitalism: Taking the “Social” in Socialism Seriously. Fifth Annual Nicos Poulantzas Memorial Lecture. Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athens. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin (2009). Imaginando Utopías Reales. Conferencia Universidad de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Buenos Aires. [ pdf Texto completo ]
pdf Wright, Erik Olin y Peschanski, João Alexandre (2011). The Wisconsin Protests. Rosa Luxemburg Lecture. [ pdf Texto completo ]