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Reading Classical Myths in Late Antiquity: Macrobius' Proposal of Literary Identity in Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis
Cardigni, Julieta.
International Conference Recycling Myths. Universidad de Lisboa- Facultad de Letras, Lisbon, 2015.
Reading Classical Myths in Late Antiquity: Macrobius´ Proposal of Literary Identity in Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis Julieta Cardigni (UBA) In his Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis(V d. C.) Macrobius aims to read some myths of the classical tradition according to a new proposal, supported by his own theory of fiction. In order to achieve his goal Macrobius practices three kinds of exegesis: allegoric, ethic and rhetoric, and by doing so he turns fiction into a valid and legitimate way of acceding to the transcendental truth. According to these premises, the present proposal studies three loci in particular in the macrobian text: the theory of fiction (1. 2), the interpretation of the dreams experienced by Aeneas and Agamemnon (1. 3), and the interpretation of the myths of Orpheus and Amphio (2. 3). Our analysis attends to demonstrate that through his readings Macrobius builds a roman identity concerned with a paradigm, and through this process of reinterpretation of the past the commentator legitimates and establishes the Late Antique cultural present.
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