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Rethinking Tafí: a political approach to the landscape of a Southern Andean Formative community
Jordi A. López Lillio.
En Victorino Mayoral Herrera, César Parcero Oubiña y Pastor Fábrega Álvarez, Archaeology & Geomatics harvesting the benefits of 10 years of training in the iberian peninsula. Leiden (Países Bajos): Sidestone Press.
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The aim of this contribution is to join the re-evaluation of the archaeological record and, thus, of the historical processes it reflects through the new light provided by this response in addition to exploring its potentialities. In order to do so, I will turn to one of the best known case-studies in the Formative period of North-Western Argentina, the Tafí tradition, and, more specifically, to the analysis of its landscape. As will be seen, if, finally, some achievement emerges from this effort and Tafí history is shown in a more parsimonious way than before, it will come neither from a qualitative novelty in our knowledge of its material features, nor from a ground-breaking technological input in its analysis but rather, from a pronounced theoretical rearmament. It is not by chance that the communication which gave birth to this paper was originally entitled “A classical GIS implementation for a novel interpretation of the Formative landscape in Southern Andes”.
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