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Level of knowledge about sexuality and sexual attitudes in fourth grade students of the Industrial Secondary Educational Institution 32 of Puno - 2019
Ajra, W. N.
Tesis. Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Perú.
The present research work whose title is the level of knowledge about sexuality and sexual attitudes in students of the fourth grade of the I.E.S. Industrial 32 of Puno in the period of 2019, this research will be carried out in order to continue with a research work previously prepared on sexuality in adolescents. The research work seeks to answer the following question: What is the level of knowledge about sexuality and sexual attitudes in the fourth-grade students of the Industrial Secondary Educational Institution 32 of Puno - 2019? Where the main objective is to determine the level of knowledge about sexuality and sexual attitudes. In the antecedents of the research that have dealt with sexuality, it is based on the basic aspects and knowledge of adolescent sexuality, the responsibility that they must assume in relation to their sexuality. In the hypothesis, it is stated that the level of knowledge about sexuality is at a high level, leaving aside the deficient and regular level. The system of variables is composed of the level of knowledge about sexuality and sexual attitudes. The methodological design refers to the type of research, non-experimental has a quantitative, non-experimental cross-sectional research approach and the design is descriptive and diagnostic and the file will be a questionnaire as an instrument for collecting information. The technique that will be used will be observation. The research population is made up of students from the Industrial Secondary Educational Institution 32 in the city of Puno. The sample obtained by the statistical estimation criteria is a total of (112) fourth grade students, between males and females. The statistical design that will be applied will be the percentage and the arithmetic mean, to know the averages and percentages.
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