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Lingüística de corpus utilizada en la concepción de plataformas de formación de docentes de lenguas
Molina Mejia, Jorge Mauricio.
CHIMERA: Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies, vol. 3, núm. 1, 2016, pp. 57-85.
In this article we present a study about corpus annotation, created in order to establish a Computer Assisted Language Learning system. This system is intended to the linguistic training of future French as a Foreign Language teachers in Colombian universities. We have a tagged corpora using Natural Language Processing methods for the morphological and syntactic aspects, and manual annotations to aim at the notions studied by text linguistics. The result of these annotations provide a serie of activities that are taken into account for ELiTe-[FLE]² informatic system. Those activities look for the improvement of the linguistic level of the Colombian training students through the study of linguistic notions contextualised in the texts.
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