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Current and future scenarios of the sources of socio-demographic data for monitoring the rights of populations in situations of social vulnerability. Argentina, 1994-2015
Ribotta, B. - Santillán P., M. - González, L.
XXVIII IUSSP International Conference. Unión Internacional para el Estudio Científico de la Población, Cape Town, 2017.
Human rights constitute attributes inherent to human dignity, which have universal legal protection. All human beings have the same rights, without distinction of nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language or other individual or collective status. Human rights are often covered by laws, and guaranteed by them through treaties, the customary international law, and general principles, among other sources. These sources set the obligations that governments have in order to take action in certain situations, and to refrain from acting in others, in order to achieve their promotion and protection through public policies and specific actions (OHCHR, 2015).The conceptual and methodological frameworks mentioned have been the basis for the development of a proposal of indicators for monitoring 14 rights, including aspects of direct socio-demographic reference, such as the highest possible level of physical and mental health, education, adequate housing, social security and work. However, it has also been evident the difficulty of the countries to obtain the necessary information for calculating the indicators, both in terms of its thematic availability and its quality. In this context, we ask ourselves about the situation in Argentina since 1994, when most of the international human rights treaties acquired constitutional status. What socio-demographic data sources does the country have in order to monitor human rights compliance? Do the data sources allow for the monitoring over time of human rights, and especially of populations in situations of social vulnerability?
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