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A Political Defence of Kant's Aufklärung. An Essay
Marey, Macarena (autora).
e-ISSN: 1568-5160 - Critical Horizons. A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory, vol. 18, 2017, pp. 168-185.
The aim of this essay is to analyse the potential for political emancipation that lies within Kant´s conception of Aufklärung, in critical dialogue with enlightenment critics and specialized Kantian literature. My thesis is that Kant´s concept of enlightenment is intrinsically political and so it must be studied from the point of view of his political philosophy, which was fully developed in the decade of the 1790s. From this standpoint, I propose we study the role and place of Aufklärung within Kant´s central political thesis, to wit: that only the united will of the people can be a legitimate authority.
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