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“The Kantian Republican Contract: a Response to Natural Lawyers’ Equilibrium of Competing Individual Rights”
Valerio Rohden, Ricardo Terra y Guido Almeida (editores), Marey, Macarena (autora).
10th International Kant Congress, “Right and Peace in Kant's Philosophy”. Kant-Gesellschaft, Brazilian Kant Society, San Pablo, 2008.
Against juridical positivism, Kant’s theory of right has the aim of designing a universal and rational standard to regulate the progressive reformation of law for the sake of a common good, which consists in the happiness of the members of the state understood as their contentment with the state of affairs. This contentment can only be valid if it fulfills certain requisites of legitimacy understood as moral justification and if it can, by that fulfillment, be autonomously accepted by citizens, who have became members of a community of ends after entering civil society. This regulative ideal, the original contract, also renders an effective civil instrument to demand political rights, the acquisition of which hinders the greatest danger state authority involves: that a ruler may send citizens to war for his private benefit, using the general will as if it were its own private one.
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