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The Pitch of Vibrato Tones: A Model Based on Instantaneous Frequency Decomposition
Bruno A. Mesz y Manuel C Eguia.
ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol. 1169, 2009, pp. 126-130.
We study vibrato as the more ubiquitous manifestation of a non-stationary tone that can evoke a single overall pitch. Some recent results using nonsymmetrical vibrato tones suggest that the perceived pitch could be governed by some stability-sensitive mechanism. For non-stationary sounds the adequate tools are time–frequency representations (TFRs). We show that a recently proposed TFR could be the simplest framework to explain this hypothetical stability-sensitive mechanism. We propose a one-parameter model within this framework that is able to predict previously reported results and we present new results obtained from psychophysical experiments performed in our laboratory.
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