¿No posee una cuenta?
Usos y dimensiones del cuerpo en la obra de Diego Bianchi / Uses and Dimensions of the Body
Massacese, María Julieta.
En Katzestein, Inés, RUB. Perspectives on the Work of Diego Bianchi. Berlin/Ciudad de México (Argentina): Temblores ediciones/Motto.

How we treat bodies is a question that Bianchi?s art begins to answer with a diversion: how do wetreat things? The artist is, in spirit, a gatherer 1 in relation to the urban territory, and even to themuseum: observation, selection, accumulation, interest in what he has discovered, in containers asmuch as what they store, in the passage of time, in lifespan and its end. Bianchi says he feels a senseof ?responsibility? for the material he finds. First off, for its structure. He is ?wary of mistreating anobject,? and he never throws out a single part of anything he has collected (he uses it all). In additionto that conservatism or cumulative drive crucial to his art methodologically speaking is commitment tosalvaging things, trust in his ability to enable their survival.
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