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O êxodo bíblico e a magia da escrita na perspectiva de Gerald Wheeler: uma tentativa de responder ao problema da ausência de evidência
Carvalho, Adriano da Silva.
Revista Azusa, vol. 13, núm. 2, 2022, pp. 90-109.
Some scholars have argued that if the exodus described in the Bible had occurred, the Egyptians, who were obsessed with recording almost everything, would have left something written about this event. But is it possible to explain the absence of written documents about the biblical exodus? This research aims to answer this question from the perspective of Gerald Wheeler, according to whom the Egyptians' belief in the magical power of words could explain the absence of written testimonies about the exodus. Bibliographical research was used as a methodology. As a result, it will be pointed out that the lack of written evidence of the biblical exodus can be justified by the conviction that a written account could bring into existence an event that had already occurred.
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