I am a theologian, I have a Master's degree in Hermeneutic Studies, New Testament and Divinity - CPAJ-Mackenzie/SP - Brazil.
My master's thesis was the basis for my book "A INTERPRETAÇÃO NAS TEORIAS LINGUÍSTICAS E LITERÁRIAS", published by Editora Reflexão, São Paulo, in 2019. This book is catalogued in the Widener Library of the world-famous Harvard University in the United States.
"My research interests are biblical exegesis, ancient philosophy (Chilon of Sparta and Epicurus) and modern philosophy (Spinoza), French discourse analysis, semantics, semiotics and philosophical hermeneutics".
I was a professor at the Department of Classic and Vernacular Languages at the Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Integrada - IBEI from February 2012 to July 2023.
I taught philosophy and sociology at the high school Rede Cnec - Colégio Cenecista de Imbariê - Duque de Caxias. In higher education, I taught Greek, Hebrew and research methodology at the Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Integrada - IBEI and in some theology courses at theological seminaries in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
I was director (Unit Coordinator) of the Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica - FAETEC - Magé/Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
I have 16 books published.
I have written more than a dozen academic articles that have been published in peer-reviewed journals from Brazil, Colombia and the United States:
(1) "Medievalis", from the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies in Literature of the Middle Ages (NIELIM) at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil;(2) "Cuestiones Teológicas", from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia;(3) "Rebiblica" and "Pesquisas em Teologia" of the Postgraduate Program at PUC/RIO, Brazil;(4) "Vox Scripturae" from the Faculdade Luterana de Teologia (FLT), Brazil;(5) "Estudos Bíblicos" from the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa Bíblica (ABIB), Brazil;(6) "International Journal of Philosophy", New York - United States.
I published my first book: "A crítica e o texto do Novo Testamento" in 2017; and my first academic article: "Deus e a felicidade em Epicuro" in 2019.
My books and articles have been mentioned (cited) in Monographs, Master's theses and Doctoral thesis in Brazil, Portugal and the United States.
I am a theologian, I have a Master's degree in Hermeneutic Studies, New Testament and Divinity - CPAJ-Mackenzie/SP - Brazil.
My master's thesis was the basis for my book "A INTERPRETAÇÃO NAS TEORIAS LINGUÍSTICAS E LITERÁRIAS", published by Editora Reflexão, São Paulo, in 2019. This book is catalogued in the Widener Library of the world-famous Harvard University in the United States.
"My research interests are biblical exegesis, ancient philosophy (Chilon of Sparta and Epicurus) and modern philosophy (Spinoza), French discourse analysis, semantics, semiotics and philosophical hermeneutics"
I was a professor at the Department of Classic and Vernacular Languages at the Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Integrada - IBEI from February 2012 to July 2023.
I taught philosophy and sociology at the high school Rede Cnec - Colégio Cenecista de Imbariê - Duque de Caxias.
In higher education, I taught Greek, Hebrew and research methodology at the Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Integrada - IBEI and in some theology courses at theological seminaries in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
I was director (Unit Coordinator) of the Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica - FAETEC - Magé/Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
I have 16 books published (Portuguese and English).
I have written more than a dozen academic articles that have been published in peer-reviewed journals from Brazil, Colombia and the United States:
(1) "Medievalis", from the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies in Literature of the Middle Ages (NIELIM) at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil;
(2) "Cuestiones Teológicas", from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia;
(3) "Rebiblica" and "Pesquisas em Teologia" of the Postgraduate Program at PUC/RIO, Brazil;
(4) "Vox Scripturae" from the Faculdade Luterana de Teologia (FLT), Brazil;
(5) "Estudos Bíblicos" from the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa Bíblica (ABIB), Brazil;
(6) "International Journal of Philosophy", New York - United States.
(7) "Último Andar" from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil.
I published my first book: "A crítica e o texto do Novo Testamento" in 2017; and my first academic article: "Deus e a felicidade em Epicuro" in 2019.
My books and articles have been mentioned (cited) in Monographs, Master's theses and Doctoral thesis in Brazil, Portugal and the United States.
He has performed peer review (Greimassian Semiotics) for the English publisher Bloomsbury, which published “Harry Potter” and works by Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winners.
Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Integrada - IBEI: Rio de Janeiro, BR Seminário Teológico Batista Fluminense - Campus Mageense: Magé, Rio de Janeiro, BR Colégio Cenecista de Imbariê - Cnec: Rio de Janeiro, Duque de Caxias, BR Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica: Rio de Janeiro, Magé, BR. |