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Paulo e a identidade do embargante: um estudo sob a perspectiva da análise do discurso e da sintaxe grega de 2 Tessalonicenses 2.1-17
Carvalho, Adriano da Silva.
Tesis de Maestría. Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brasil.
This research sought to analyze the interpretive possibilities of one of the most difficult passages of the New Testament, namely, 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-17. For this purpose, a serious bibliographical research was invested from two interpretative perspectives: discourse analysis, more specifically, the theory of enunciation, and grammar-historical exegesis. With the first one, we tried to explain the operation of certain linguistic elements of the perimeter from the concept of the deictics. An approximation was made with the theoretical project of E. Benveniste, rather than with that of Michel Pêcheux. With the second, it was sought to raise the historical circumstances of the epistle. The main words of the text were morphosyntactically examined besides the textual, literary and canonical contexts of the pericope. The structure of the epistle was presented in chapter one; textual variants were highlighted in chapter two; The content of the false message, and some identity suggestions were discussed in chapter three; In chapter four the purpose of Paul's teaching in the pericope was highlighted. The conclusion arrived at in this work was that it is not possible to conclusively affirm the identity of the Embarrassing: καηέσον/καηέσυν. Nevertheless it was possible to perceive another point of the Pauline teaching in the pericope of 2 Thessalonians 2 that almost always is usually ignored by many readers of that passage.
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