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Variaciones situacionales en los criterios de evaluación de los docentes en escuelas secundarias del conurbano bonaerense
Cimolai, Silvina - Universidad Nacional del General Sarmiento. Instituto del Desarrollo Humano. Los Polvorines, Argentina..
XII Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología. XXVII Jornadas de Investigación. XVI Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR. II Encuentro de Investigación de Terapia Ocupacional. II Encuentro de Musicoterapia. Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2020.
SECUNDARIAS DEL CONURBANO BONAERENSE Cimolai, Silvina Universidad Nacional del General Sarmiento. Instituto del Desarrollo Humano. Los Polvorines, Argentina. ABSTRACT SITUATIONAL VARIATIONS IN TEACHERS’ EVALUATION CRITERIA IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE BUENOS AIRES SUBURBS Within the framework of the UNGS project 30-3314 “School trajectories and evaluation: the practices of summative evaluation in the transitions between educational levels” the problem of criteria and practices with respect to the evaluation has been the center of analysis. The research has focused on the school years directly involved in the transitions between educational levels (primary, secondary and higher education). This paper focuses on events at the secondary level, whose evaluation has recently been regulated in the province of Buenos Aires with its new academic regime in 2012. The paper aims to build and compare the criteria put in use by teachers in different instances: in the summative evaluation activities, in the quarterly grades, and in the examining tables of February and March. For this, the paper will analyze the interviews and observations of evaluations carried out to 20 teachers of first and sixth year of secondary schools participating in the project. The surveys carried out have shown that there are variations in the definition of the legitimate texts and in the place given to the instructional discourse and the regulatory discourse according to the time of year and the type of accreditation involved. Keywords Evaluation criteria - Teachers perspectives - Secondary school
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